Arnulfo, o perfeccionista
Quando o Arnulfo esteve na Alemanha em Erasmus inscreveu-se na escola de línguas em Portugiesisch.
Há melhor.
Monday morning wake up knowing that youve got to go to school
Tell your mum what to expect, she says its right out of the blue
Do you went to work in debenhams, because thats what they expect
Start in lingerie, and doris is your supervisor
And the head said that you always were a queer one from the start
For careers you say you went to be remembered for your art
Your obsessions get you known throughout the school for being strange
Making life-size models of the velvet underground in clay
In the queue for lunch they take the piss, youve got no appetite
And the rumour is you never go with boys and you are tight
So they jab you with a fork, you drop the tray and go berserk
While your cleaning up the mess the teachers looking up your skirt
Youve been used, youre confused
Write a song, Ill sing along
Are you calm? settle down
Soon you will know that you are sane
Youre on top of the world again
Monday morning wake up knowing that youve got to go to school
Mum said she had little choice when she was young, so why should you?
Do you went to work in c&a, cause thats what they expect
Move to ladieswear and take a feel off joe the storeman
Tell veronica the secrets of the boy you never kissed
Shes got everything to gain cause shes a fat girl with a lisp
She sticks up for you when you get aggravation from the snobs
cause you cant afford a blazer and youre always wearing clogs
At the interval you lock yourself away inside a room
Heed of english gets you, asks you, what the hell do you think youre doing?
Do you think youre better then the other kids? well get outside.
Youve got permission, but youve got to make the bastard think hes right.
"Expectations" por Belle & Sebastian
Monday morning wake up knowing that youve got to go to school
Tell your mum what to expect, she says its right out of the blue
Do you went to work in debenhams, because thats what they expect
Start in lingerie, and doris is your supervisor
And the head said that you always were a queer one from the start
For careers you say you went to be remembered for your art
Your obsessions get you known throughout the school for being strange
Making life-size models of the velvet underground in clay
In the queue for lunch they take the piss, youve got no appetite
And the rumour is you never go with boys and you are tight
So they jab you with a fork, you drop the tray and go berserk
While your cleaning up the mess the teachers looking up your skirt
Youve been used, youre confused
Write a song, Ill sing along
Are you calm? settle down
Soon you will know that you are sane
Youre on top of the world again
Monday morning wake up knowing that youve got to go to school
Mum said she had little choice when she was young, so why should you?
Do you went to work in c&a, cause thats what they expect
Move to ladieswear and take a feel off joe the storeman
Tell veronica the secrets of the boy you never kissed
Shes got everything to gain cause shes a fat girl with a lisp
She sticks up for you when you get aggravation from the snobs
cause you cant afford a blazer and youre always wearing clogs
At the interval you lock yourself away inside a room
Heed of english gets you, asks you, what the hell do you think youre doing?
Do you think youre better then the other kids? well get outside.
Youve got permission, but youve got to make the bastard think hes right.
"Expectations" por Belle & Sebastian
If I was a flower growing wild and free
All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee.
And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen
All I'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves
If I was a flower growing wild and free
All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee.
And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen
All I'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves
All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.
If you were a river in the mountains tall,
The rumble of your water would be my call.
If you were the winter, I know I'd be the snow
Just as long as you were with me, let the cold winds blow
All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.
If you were a wink, I'd be a nod
If you were a seed, well I'd be a pod.
If you were the floor, I'd wanna be the rug
And if you were a kiss, I know I'd be a hug
All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.
If you were the wood, I'd be the fire.
If you were the love, I'd be the desire.
If you were a castle, I'd be your moat,
And if you were an ocean, I'd learn to float.
All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.
Da banda sonora do filme "Juno". "All I want is You", por Barry Louis Polisar
A ver o filme percebe-se melhor porque esta música é adorável.
All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee.
And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen
All I'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves
If I was a flower growing wild and free
All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee.
And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen
All I'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves
All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.
If you were a river in the mountains tall,
The rumble of your water would be my call.
If you were the winter, I know I'd be the snow
Just as long as you were with me, let the cold winds blow
All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.
If you were a wink, I'd be a nod
If you were a seed, well I'd be a pod.
If you were the floor, I'd wanna be the rug
And if you were a kiss, I know I'd be a hug
All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.
If you were the wood, I'd be the fire.
If you were the love, I'd be the desire.
If you were a castle, I'd be your moat,
And if you were an ocean, I'd learn to float.
All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.
Da banda sonora do filme "Juno". "All I want is You", por Barry Louis Polisar
A ver o filme percebe-se melhor porque esta música é adorável.
O meu sonho
Eu sinceramente penso que nunca contei isto a ninguém. Mas vao perceber porque (com chapéu) logo depois de saberem o que vou contar e a ideia que vao ter de mim logo a seguir. Sabem aquelas perguntas que os adultos nos deitam quando somos pequenos demonstrando que sao parvos? Devo dizer que o tempo que demorei a congeminar as respostas (tao pequeno que só é mensurável com um instrumento ainda a inventar) me dá uma certa segurança que sou intrinsecamente inteligente. Nao esperta, nao sou esperta, sou inteligente. Uma pergunta é aquela do se gostas mais da mae ou do pai. Eu gostava de ter uma gravaçao no YouTube com o primeiro troglodita que se lembrou de fazer pergunta tao acéfala, que logo a seguir espero que tenha implodido. Obviamente, isto nao aconteceu, porque senao a pergunta nao se teria espalhado. A segunda é o que queres ser quando fores grande. Os putos geralmente dizem o que alguém da familia faz, mas na minha familia ou se fazia coisas que eu nao entendia, que eu nao sabia que podia ser carreira ou nao faziam nada (o facto de eu nao entender que nao fazer nada pode ser carreira demonstra que eu nao sou esperta, inteligente, mas nao esperta). Assim, eu dizia professora, que estava a jeito. Mas no fundo, no fundinho, eu sonhava em ser deus. Juro, sonhava, imaginava, a sério. Se pensam que eu andava a fazer bondades nos meus sonhos, esqueçam. Eu pensava que queria ser deus, mas hoje percebo que, quando eu era gaiata, queria ser Fidel.

No computo final, é isto que interessa:
On balance, it appears likely that a Hillary Clinton administration, like Bush’s, would be more likely to embrace exaggerated and alarmist reports regarding potential national security threats, to ignore international law and the advice of allies, and to launch offensive wars. By contrast, a Barack Obama administration would be more prone to examine the actual evidence of potential threats before reacting, to work more closely with America’s allies to maintain peace and security, to respect the country’s international legal obligations, and to use military force only as a last resort.
Stephen Zunes, "Behind Obama and Clinton" (Washington, DC: Foreign Policy In Focus, February 4, 2008).
P.S.: No cinco dias encontrei a ligaçao para um blogue com toda a documentaçao explicativa de porque é que o Barack Obama me faz alergia.
Eu posso ser muito picuínhas
O Público encontrou alguém que foi muito precoce:
Para Joaquim Arena, escritor nascido em Cabo-Verde em 1964, que deixou África no final dos anos sessenta para começar uma nova vida em Portugal,
Mais novo e diria que veio a flutuar numa cesta de verga.
Para Joaquim Arena, escritor nascido em Cabo-Verde em 1964, que deixou África no final dos anos sessenta para começar uma nova vida em Portugal,
Mais novo e diria que veio a flutuar numa cesta de verga.
Nao me digas
Sabiam que existe um vice-ministro no Irao só, somente, só para nós? Além disso, como há um texto dele no DN em linha e o portugues até nem é mau, presumo que foi escrito por ele, o que significa que há um vice-ministro no Irao só, somente, para tratar com os europeus e sabe portugues! Inacreditável. Além disso, como o texto é repetitivo e inconsequente, pode até ser que haja um vice-ministro no Irao só, somente, para tratar com os europeus e que é um cronista portugues. {É um texto "alguém telefona-me para me dizer que tem de me telefonar."}
Uma mensagem ao DN:
Como muitas das notícias sao traduçoes, seria possível contratarem nao jornalistas (se os tem, que é uma dúvida que me inunda), mas tradutores? Eu sou cerebralmente limitada e fico extremamente lenta a ler palavras em portugues dispostas em ingles. Há dias em que empanco e preciso de ser reiniciada. Um dia destes empanco de vez e nao queria que isto lhes ficasse na consciencia. Obrigado.
Se tivesse que votar no filme mais parvo alguma vez feito e que eu, infelizmente, vi seria, sem dúvida, Dogma.
A borbulha no canto do lábio
Uma simples borbulha mamalhuda de pus amarelo no canto do lábio poderia dar pensamentos profundos se eu me desse ao trabalho disso. De vez em quando roço na surpresa que me faço por detestar esta borbulha super-nutrida que provavelmente é possível de visualizar do espaço, mas sentir um prazer fétido e obscuro em lhe mexer, a rebolar nas pontas dos dedos, a pressionar e fazer-me sentir esta dorzinha funda. Sou masoquista obviamente, o que nao me choca... muito. O que me choca muito é praticar o meu masoquismo com algo tao insípido como uma borbulha amarela.
Fui ver se existe a palavra parapatético. Soava-me bem, uma nova palavra de insulto, que esperava existir. Não encontrei. Mas encontrei a palavra paraparético, que é a redução de força nos membros inferiores. A paralisia é paraplégico. Por outro lado, existe peripatético, que é ensinar passeando. Portanto 'para' deve ter alguma coisa a ver com membros inferiores e patético tem alguma coisa a ver com ensinar e 'peri' tem alguma coisa a ver com o movimento dos membros inferiores... Eu não aprendi grego, como é óbvio, mas um parapatético poderia ser um pateta parado?
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