
A nova religião

Not content with being wrong throughout the 1990s, during the 2000s more voodoo economists likened Europe’s economy to that of a “sick, sclerotic old man,” until—surprise, surprise—it was discovered that Europe actually had surpassed the U.S., creating more jobs, higher per capita growth and higher productivity (which lasted until the 2008 collapse).

And how about the experts who still can’t tell us how the Dow plunged a thousand points within minutes on May 7, 2010, in a frenzy of computer trading gone wild. Or the experts who never suspected that the rating agencies, like Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s, were selling their AAA ratings to Goldman Sachs and others for investment derivative bombs that they knew were designed to detonate. Now those same rating agencies have been downgrading Greece, Portugal and Spain, sending them into speculative play. Why does anyone listen to these ratings agencies anymore?

Exactamente. Eu sabia que eu não seria a única pessoa a fazer estas perguntas. É incrível que abundem artigos com os mesmos pressupostos, os mesmos futurismos e que sejam lidos. Eu só posso concluir que os investidores e essa malta etc são de uma estupidez transatlântica ou então as transações virtuais, o dinheiro virtual, esses jogos a que chamam finança e economia são a nova religião. Não interessa a realidade, interessa... O que é que interessa?

2 comentários:

jj.amarante disse...

Interessa ganhar mais dinheiro, o que é que havia de ser?

abrunho disse...

Parece-me que misturei ideias. Eu venho mais tarde recômpor.