Not ready yet
Sacha Baron Cohen é o actor que faz de Borat. Outra das suas personagens é Bruno (ou Brüno), um jornalista de moda austríaco e muito obviamente gay. Parece que o próximo filme é com Brüno e começam a sair pela net conselhos para que ninguém se veja na desfortuna de se encontrar num filme em que se faça papel de asno.
Os conselhos sao:
1. Mantenha uma fotografia do Brüno sempre consigo.
2. Se alguém lhe pedir para assinar uma declaraçao dando permissao para entrar num filme, pense.
3. Por exemplo, pense em dizer nao.
4. Nao se embebede com estranhos.
5. Se for racista, homofóbico ou sexista tente mante-lo só pra si.
Ha ha ha ha ha...
Os conselhos sao:
1. Mantenha uma fotografia do Brüno sempre consigo.
2. Se alguém lhe pedir para assinar uma declaraçao dando permissao para entrar num filme, pense.
3. Por exemplo, pense em dizer nao.
4. Nao se embebede com estranhos.
5. Se for racista, homofóbico ou sexista tente mante-lo só pra si.
Ha ha ha ha ha...
Ide ver
Esta cena do aborto
Nas estranjas já se viraram para mim com aquele ar compadecido de quem olha para uma refugiada de uma terra controlada pelas batinas negras, cérebros conservadores e viúvas vestidas de negro, felizes pelo falecido ter ido desta pra melhor e já nao lhes espalhar nódoas negras pelo corpo (pensam que eu estou a fazer só jogos de palavras?). Eu eriço-me e minto. Acho que é nestes momentos que eu vejo que gosto de Portugal. Pode ser mau, mas é meu, carago e nao se amerdem a pensar mal, seus estranjeirotes.
Bem, continuando, eu digo-lhes que ser pelo aborto nao é necessariamente ser avançado. Que há motivos contrários completa e totalmente respeitáveis de humanismo. Nisto eu acredito, mas minto quando faço entender que é este o motivo principal em Portugal. Os portugueses sao maioritariamente contra o aborto por hipocrisia. Fina, doente, repelente. O que mais chateia um portugues é que alguem possa ser feliz sem castigo. O que mais chateia um portugues é nao poder moralizar, nem que seja indirectamente. O que mais chateia um portugues é nao poder por o indicador no ar e dizer "estava mesmo a pedi-las."
Bem, continuando, eu digo-lhes que ser pelo aborto nao é necessariamente ser avançado. Que há motivos contrários completa e totalmente respeitáveis de humanismo. Nisto eu acredito, mas minto quando faço entender que é este o motivo principal em Portugal. Os portugueses sao maioritariamente contra o aborto por hipocrisia. Fina, doente, repelente. O que mais chateia um portugues é que alguem possa ser feliz sem castigo. O que mais chateia um portugues é nao poder moralizar, nem que seja indirectamente. O que mais chateia um portugues é nao poder por o indicador no ar e dizer "estava mesmo a pedi-las."
Penso que todos temos a mania de extrapolar. Temos a fraqueza mental de a partir de uma característica fazermos o tipo. É desta forma que eu mostro a minha surpresa porque alguém vegan é também materialista e o meu interlocutor mostra estranheza que um gay seja de direita. Ele era um polaco ateu e eu sou uma portuguesa liberal. Nao há tipos.
Põe sempre os nomes aos bois
Nas histórias que contares.
Ou logo os burros depois
Se queixam de os retratares:
“Mas são as minhas orelhas!
Este azurrar é o meu!
Se estas são minhas guedelhas!
Ai este burro sou eu!
Não me nomeie ele embora,
Toda a Pátria vai agora
Saber-me por burro, hin-hã!
Ai que eu, hin-hã, hin-hã!”
- Quiseste a um burro poupar…
Logo doze hão-de zurrar.
Heine Heine (1797-1856) -> X
Nas histórias que contares.
Ou logo os burros depois
Se queixam de os retratares:
“Mas são as minhas orelhas!
Este azurrar é o meu!
Se estas são minhas guedelhas!
Ai este burro sou eu!
Não me nomeie ele embora,
Toda a Pátria vai agora
Saber-me por burro, hin-hã!
Ai que eu, hin-hã, hin-hã!”
- Quiseste a um burro poupar…
Logo doze hão-de zurrar.
Heine Heine (1797-1856) -> X
Violencia Doméstica - nao há que preocupar que estamos na frente da Palestina
O problema, argumenta Dulce Rocha, vice-presidente da Associação Portuguesa das Mulheres Juristas (APMJ) , é que "são raras as condenações", acrescentando: "Quer no crime de violência doméstica, quer no de maus-tratos a crianças, há uma impunidade manifesta deste tipo de comportamentos. É mais fácil uma pessoa ser presa devido a um crime de furto do que de maus-tratos. A prática judicial não tem acompanhado a evolução da situação em Portugal. Bater na mulher é um comportamento que é tolerado na sociedade e isso não favorece a defesa dos direitos humanos."
The chief of police told Human Rights Watch that “a woman in Hebron could get her eye gouged out but be too afraid of society to report the abuse.”
(...) discriminatory legislation in force in the West Bank and Gaza, described in the subsections below, does not act as a deterrent to violence, nor does it provide victims with adequate redress for the abuse they have suffered. In fact, the penal laws in particular and the way in which they have been interpreted and applied in practice have led to virtual impunity for perpetrators of violence against Palestinian women and girls.
A falta de provas é a principal justificação para que estes processos não cheguem à fase final de julgamento. E o novo Código Penal ainda vai tornar a prova mais difícil, segundo Dulce Rocha: "Com a redacção actual já é difícil ver o agressor no banco dos réus, mas no futuro será pior. A proposta de alteração refere que os maus tratos têm de ser reiterados e praticados de forma intensa", explica.
Palestinian women in violent or life-threatening marriages have two legal options available to them: pressing charges for spousal abuse or initiating a divorce on the basis of physical harm. Both require evidence of extreme violence and impose a high evidentiary burden on the victim.
Because there is no specific domestic violence legislation in the OPT [Occupied Palestinian Territories], adult victims of violence must rely on general penal provisions on assault when they seek to press charges. These laws provide little remedy to victims unless they have suffered the most extreme forms of injury. Article 33 of the Jordanian penal code (applied in the West Bank) outlines the penalties for violence based on the number of days the victim is hospitalized. As is the situation with all assault cases, if the victim requires less than 10 days of hospitalization, a judge has the authority to dismiss the case at his own discretion as a “minor offense.” In such cases, public prosecutors also try to reconcile the parties rather than pressing charges. The law permits a judge to impose a slightly higher sentence when the victim is hospitalized between 10 and 20 days. According to the law, mandatory prosecution is required only in cases where the victim is hospitalized for more than 20 days. Since victims of domestic violence may go to the hospital several times to treat their injuries with no intention of pressing formal charges, they may have no medical records to support claims of long-term abuse should they later decide to press charges or seek a divorce.
The chief of police told Human Rights Watch that “a woman in Hebron could get her eye gouged out but be too afraid of society to report the abuse.”
(...) discriminatory legislation in force in the West Bank and Gaza, described in the subsections below, does not act as a deterrent to violence, nor does it provide victims with adequate redress for the abuse they have suffered. In fact, the penal laws in particular and the way in which they have been interpreted and applied in practice have led to virtual impunity for perpetrators of violence against Palestinian women and girls.
A falta de provas é a principal justificação para que estes processos não cheguem à fase final de julgamento. E o novo Código Penal ainda vai tornar a prova mais difícil, segundo Dulce Rocha: "Com a redacção actual já é difícil ver o agressor no banco dos réus, mas no futuro será pior. A proposta de alteração refere que os maus tratos têm de ser reiterados e praticados de forma intensa", explica.
Palestinian women in violent or life-threatening marriages have two legal options available to them: pressing charges for spousal abuse or initiating a divorce on the basis of physical harm. Both require evidence of extreme violence and impose a high evidentiary burden on the victim.
Because there is no specific domestic violence legislation in the OPT [Occupied Palestinian Territories], adult victims of violence must rely on general penal provisions on assault when they seek to press charges. These laws provide little remedy to victims unless they have suffered the most extreme forms of injury. Article 33 of the Jordanian penal code (applied in the West Bank) outlines the penalties for violence based on the number of days the victim is hospitalized. As is the situation with all assault cases, if the victim requires less than 10 days of hospitalization, a judge has the authority to dismiss the case at his own discretion as a “minor offense.” In such cases, public prosecutors also try to reconcile the parties rather than pressing charges. The law permits a judge to impose a slightly higher sentence when the victim is hospitalized between 10 and 20 days. According to the law, mandatory prosecution is required only in cases where the victim is hospitalized for more than 20 days. Since victims of domestic violence may go to the hospital several times to treat their injuries with no intention of pressing formal charges, they may have no medical records to support claims of long-term abuse should they later decide to press charges or seek a divorce.
I'm Going To Stop Pretending That I Didn't Break Your Heart
EEls, do Album Blinking Lights and Other Revelations
Por razao nenhuma
Ela acordou e sentiu-se feliz. O alarme regurgitava música dos Coldplay e ela sorriu. Os olhos brincavam-lhe com os raios de sol que se surripiavam por entre as cortinas grossas. Ouviu os passos sobre si, de quem já andava a labutar os dias sempre iguais. Era mais um dia de uma série de dias, mas hoje ela sentiu-se feliz por razao nenhuma. Os olhos brincavam com o sol e ela sentia-se feliz. Por razao nenhuma. Por razao nenhuma, ela pensava, por razao nenhuma, o que significa algo, significa pela nossa razao, porque nao há razao nenhuma para nada.
P.S.: tenho a sensaçao que plagio o título do poste, mas nao sei de onde.
P.S.: tenho a sensaçao que plagio o título do poste, mas nao sei de onde.
It’s Not Just the War, Stupid
More fundamentally, the election appears to be a widespread rejection of the Republican Party’s performance in the past several years—in areas that include Katrina, Iraq, torture, corruption, scandals, the economy, energy, the environment and the federal budget. To bill the election as antiwar is to miss the significance of the electoral rout.
F***s, se nao se pode confiar nos media em quem e' que se pode confiar? <-- isto e' ironia, *st*p*d*.
F***s, se nao se pode confiar nos media em quem e' que se pode confiar? <-- isto e' ironia, *st*p*d*.
Consensus: science is friggin' hard
Oh random, para ti:
The National Science Foundation's annual symposium concluded Monday, with the 1,500 scientists in attendance reaching the consensus that science is hard.
"For centuries, we have embraced the pursuit of scientific knowledge as one of the noblest and worthiest of human endeavors, one leading to the enrichment of mankind both today and for future generations," said keynote speaker and NSF chairman Louis Farian. "However, a breakthrough discovery is challenging our long-held perceptions about our discipline—the discovery that science is really, really hard."
"My area of expertise is the totally impossible science of particle physics," Farian continued, "but, indeed, this newly discovered 'Law of Difficulty' holds true for all branches of science, from astronomy to molecular biology and everything in between."
The science-is-hard theorem, first posited by a team of MIT professors in 1990, was slow to gain acceptance within the science community. It gathered momentum following the 1997 publication of physicist Stephen Hawking's breakthrough paper, "Lorentz Variation And Gravitation Is Just About The Hardest Friggin' Thing In The Known Universe."
This weekend's conference, featuring symposia on how hard the Earth sciences are, how confusing medical science is, and how ridiculously un-gettable quantum physics is, represented a major step forward for the science-is-hard theorem.
"We now believe that the theorem is 99.999% likely to be true, after applying these incredibly complex statistical techniques that gave me a splitting headache," Farian said. "A theorem is like a theory, but, I don't know, it's different."
Members of the scientific establishment were quick to affirm the NSF discovery.
"To be a scientist, you have to learn all this weird stuff, like how many molecules are in a proton," University of Chicago physicist Dr. Erno Heidegger said. "While it is true that I have become an acclaimed physicist and reaped great rewards from my career, one must not lose sight of the fact that these blessings came only after studying all of this completely impossible, egghead stuff for years."
Dr. Ahmed Zewail, a Caltech chemist whose spectroscopic studies of the transition states of chemical reactions earned him the Nobel Prize in 1999, explained in layman's terms just how hard the discipline of chemistry is, using the periodic table of the elements as a model.
"Take the element of tungsten and work to memorize its place in the periodic table, its atomic symbol, its atomic number and weight, what it looks like, where it's found, and its uses to humanity, if any," Zewail said. "Now, imagine memorizing the other 100-plus elements making up the periodic table. You'd have to be, like, some kind of total brain to do that."
As hard as chemistry and other traditional sciences may be, scientists say such newer disciplines as quantum physics are even more difficult.
"Quantum physics has always been a particularly tough branch of science," UCLA physicist Dr. Hideki Watanabe said. "But in addition to being some of the smartest Einstein-y stuff around, it is undeniably a really stupid, pointless thing to study, something you could never actually use in the real world. This paradoxical dual state may one day lead to a new understanding of physics as a way to confuse and bore people."
"I guess there's cool stuff about science," Watanabe continued, "like space travel and bombs. But that stuff is so hard, it's honestly not even worth the effort."
P.S.: penso que desisti de assassinar este blogue. So' se eu simplesmente deixar de vir ver o que o resto da malta escreve. Uma despedida tao linda... {que vergonha... suspiro}
The National Science Foundation's annual symposium concluded Monday, with the 1,500 scientists in attendance reaching the consensus that science is hard.
"For centuries, we have embraced the pursuit of scientific knowledge as one of the noblest and worthiest of human endeavors, one leading to the enrichment of mankind both today and for future generations," said keynote speaker and NSF chairman Louis Farian. "However, a breakthrough discovery is challenging our long-held perceptions about our discipline—the discovery that science is really, really hard."
"My area of expertise is the totally impossible science of particle physics," Farian continued, "but, indeed, this newly discovered 'Law of Difficulty' holds true for all branches of science, from astronomy to molecular biology and everything in between."
The science-is-hard theorem, first posited by a team of MIT professors in 1990, was slow to gain acceptance within the science community. It gathered momentum following the 1997 publication of physicist Stephen Hawking's breakthrough paper, "Lorentz Variation And Gravitation Is Just About The Hardest Friggin' Thing In The Known Universe."
This weekend's conference, featuring symposia on how hard the Earth sciences are, how confusing medical science is, and how ridiculously un-gettable quantum physics is, represented a major step forward for the science-is-hard theorem.
"We now believe that the theorem is 99.999% likely to be true, after applying these incredibly complex statistical techniques that gave me a splitting headache," Farian said. "A theorem is like a theory, but, I don't know, it's different."
Members of the scientific establishment were quick to affirm the NSF discovery.
"To be a scientist, you have to learn all this weird stuff, like how many molecules are in a proton," University of Chicago physicist Dr. Erno Heidegger said. "While it is true that I have become an acclaimed physicist and reaped great rewards from my career, one must not lose sight of the fact that these blessings came only after studying all of this completely impossible, egghead stuff for years."
Dr. Ahmed Zewail, a Caltech chemist whose spectroscopic studies of the transition states of chemical reactions earned him the Nobel Prize in 1999, explained in layman's terms just how hard the discipline of chemistry is, using the periodic table of the elements as a model.
"Take the element of tungsten and work to memorize its place in the periodic table, its atomic symbol, its atomic number and weight, what it looks like, where it's found, and its uses to humanity, if any," Zewail said. "Now, imagine memorizing the other 100-plus elements making up the periodic table. You'd have to be, like, some kind of total brain to do that."
As hard as chemistry and other traditional sciences may be, scientists say such newer disciplines as quantum physics are even more difficult.
"Quantum physics has always been a particularly tough branch of science," UCLA physicist Dr. Hideki Watanabe said. "But in addition to being some of the smartest Einstein-y stuff around, it is undeniably a really stupid, pointless thing to study, something you could never actually use in the real world. This paradoxical dual state may one day lead to a new understanding of physics as a way to confuse and bore people."
"I guess there's cool stuff about science," Watanabe continued, "like space travel and bombs. But that stuff is so hard, it's honestly not even worth the effort."
P.S.: penso que desisti de assassinar este blogue. So' se eu simplesmente deixar de vir ver o que o resto da malta escreve. Uma despedida tao linda... {que vergonha... suspiro}
Reabertura temporaria...
... para perguntar ao sr. Pitta qual e' o seu espanto?
O facto de em Portugal nao haver a carreira de cientista? O facto do trabalho cientifico em Portugal ser feito todo por bolseiros, sem direito a subsidio de ferias, decimo terceiro, baixa medica, subsidio de desemprego, de maternidade (para simplificar, recebe-se a seco o que se recebe e trabalha-se e mai nada) e ate' ha' poucos anos nem possibilidade de descontar para a seguranca social? Sabe quanto recebe um bolseiro? Sabe o que e' andar assim ate' se desistir de ciencia? Ou acha que oito mil pessoas a trabalhar em ciencia e' um desperdicio? E' o jogo seguinte na blogosfera? Nomear profissoes que porque nao percebemos achamos que nao prestam? E' democratico. Todos podemos entrar na ignorancia e jogar.
O facto de em Portugal nao haver a carreira de cientista? O facto do trabalho cientifico em Portugal ser feito todo por bolseiros, sem direito a subsidio de ferias, decimo terceiro, baixa medica, subsidio de desemprego, de maternidade (para simplificar, recebe-se a seco o que se recebe e trabalha-se e mai nada) e ate' ha' poucos anos nem possibilidade de descontar para a seguranca social? Sabe quanto recebe um bolseiro? Sabe o que e' andar assim ate' se desistir de ciencia? Ou acha que oito mil pessoas a trabalhar em ciencia e' um desperdicio? E' o jogo seguinte na blogosfera? Nomear profissoes que porque nao percebemos achamos que nao prestam? E' democratico. Todos podemos entrar na ignorancia e jogar.
Mensagens (Atom)