

[...] Researching my book, which covered all 462 suicide bombings around the globe, I had colleagues scour Lebanese sources to collect martyr videos, pictures and testimonials and biographies of the Hizbollah bombers. Of the 41, we identified the names, birth places and other personal data for 38. We were shocked to find that only eight were Islamic fundamentalists; 27 were from leftist political groups such as the Lebanese Communist Party and the Arab Socialist Union; three were Christians, including a female secondary school teacher with a college degree. All were born in Lebanon.

What these suicide attackers - and their heirs today - shared was not a religious or political ideology but simply a commitment to resisting a foreign occupation. Nearly two decades of Israeli military presence did not root out Hizbollah. The only thing that has proven to end suicide attacks, in Lebanon and elsewhere, is withdrawal by the occupying force.

[...] Religion is rarely the root cause, although it is often used as a tool by terrorist organisations in recruiting and in other efforts in service of the broader strategic objective. Most often, it is a response to foreign occupation.

Understanding that suicide terrorism is not a product of Islamic fundamentalism has important implications for how the US and its allies should conduct the war on terrorism. Spreading democracy across the Persian Gulf is not likely to be a panacea as long as foreign troops remain on the Arabian peninsula.[...]

Robert Pape, Guardian

Talvez quando se começar a entender isto e isto:

seja possível começar a imaginar uma necessariamente nova estratégia na região.

Cartune (clicar para aumentar) de Bandeira.

3 comentários:

antimater disse...

Apanhei 7 (sete) ActiveX para entrar.
De maneira que estava já cansado para ler...
Mas sobre o entemdimento, sou muito céptico. Há coisas que ainda temos que entender antes disso...

abrunho disse...

Tem razão. Entendimento é demais. Mudei para estratégia. Mudar de estratégia para bem de todos.

airesff disse...

A estratégia na região é criar um estado palestiniano a sério. A alternativa é fazer uma máquina de tempo e vetar uma resolução do passado.